Rural Policy Learning Commons January 2018 - v.2.
In this webinar, you will hear about how three social enterprise organizations are empowering and creating opportunities for adults across Canada, through a rural, regional, and urban approach. The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) is a national member-led organization committed to strengthening Canadian communities by creating economic opportunities that enhance social and environmental conditions.
The Learning Exchange is a community resource for adult support, individualized learning, skill development, and access to employment in Saint John, New Brunswick. Empowering adults to achieve their education and employment goals through responsive programming and training supported by our social enterprises.
Co-operatives First is a business development organization focused on increasing awareness and understanding of the co-op business model in rural and Indigenous communities across western Canada. Their goal is to help groups build new businesses and support community development.
Presenters: Darcy Penner, CCEDNet Manitoba; Dayna Lutes, The Learning Exchange; & Kyle White, Co-operatives First.
The First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI), funded by Crown- Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, is a joint initiative between Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) that is designed to improve the relationships and enhance the capacity of participating First Nations and municipalities to engage in joint community economic development planning and initiatives. This webinar will pro- vide an overview of the CEDI program and the Stronger Together Toolkit. It will highlight rural First Nation- Municipal CEDI partnerships, and share stories of success and key lessons learned. Following the presentation, there will be time for questions and answers. For more information, visit
Presenters: Helen Patterson, First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI), & Marissa Lawrence, Cando-CEDI
HIDDEN PARTICIPANTS AND UNHEARD VOICES: Gender, Age, and other influences on Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research in the North Monday, JANUARY 29, 2018, 1:00 pm Central CST
Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is widely discussed in academic research as having value for under- standing how ecosystems are changing because of climate change. Some scholars have noted that TEK, especially when brought into discussions of environmental planning and management, takes on a distinctly political character, one that can be either disruptive to or coopted by existing systems of colonial power and exploitation of indigenous peoples. Yet, there has been little critical evaluation of research on TEK and climate change, to explore whose voices in this research are being privileged or marginalized.
In this webinar, we report on a systematic literature review to explore the role of such factors as gender, age, and the social construction of scientific research in TEK research on climate change. Our emphasis is on the North, and specifically the North American Arctic and Subarctic regions, though we also note evident parallels in TEK research elsewhere. We discuss our findings and conclude with some notes on steps for moving the literature forward, discussing the challenge of defining expertise and the need to allow communities to self-determine through defining who the experts are, while also not marginalizing important voices.
Presenters: Maaya Hitomi, University of Saskatchewan, & Philip Loring, University of Saskatchewan
All RPLC Webinars are free of charge.
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