The World Leisure Centre of Excellence at VIU (WLCE at VIU) invites you to ourWorld VIUPoints Speaker Series presented by Aurelia Kogler, on the topic of Back to Integrity – The Revival of Traditional Values. The presentation will take place on Friday Oct 28th, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Building 200-Room 203.
Long gone are the days of unsustainable “bigger, better, faster, more” ideas in tourism and leisure product development. In the last few years, the pendulum seems to swing back as people are increasingly looking for more authentic experiences. Join us and observe how people embrace the new down-to–earth approach of “smaller, slower, less” in Austria and Switzerland.
Aurelia Kogler is founder and CEO of MONTCONT Tourism, a consultancy specialized in the strategic support of ski resorts, luxury hotels, and alpine destinations in Austria and Switzerland. She is also professor of Tourism and Leisure Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Chur (HTW Chur) in Switzerland. Aurelia loves to travel, ski, work, and especially her family.