Worldviews, paradigms, and positionality – Why so confusing and why so important? - Graduate Research Workshop
Hello students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Title: Worldviews, paradigms, and positionality - Why so confusing and why so important?
Community Engagement and Your Research - Graduate Research Workshop
Hello students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Title: Community Engagement and Your Research
Speaker: Tanis Dagert - Community Liaison and Knowledge Mobilization Officer
Meet-up with Tanis Dagert, Community Liaison and Knowledge Mobilization Officer to learn about opportunities and best practices to engage with community and share your knowledge.
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 3rd, 12:00-12:45 pm PDT
Three Kinds of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics - Graduate Research Workshop
Hello students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Title: Three Kinds of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics -Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
In this workshop, Farhad will review some of the most common (purposeful or non-purposeful) misusage of numerical data. This session will help graduate students to identify the most common misrepresentation of data and avoid making these mistakes in their research report.
Speaker: Dr. Farhad Moghimehfar
Thematic Analysis - Graduate Research Workshop
Hello MA SLM students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Title: Thematic Analysis
In this session, students will be able to answer the questions: What is a research theme? How do I develop themes from the data I have collected? And how do I establish methodological integrity with such a ‘subjective’ analytic approach?
Speaker: Dr. Garrett Stone
Graduate Research Workshop - Let’s Talk Ethics
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop offered by the Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office and consider joining in!
Title: Let’s Talk Ethics: Meet- up with Research Ethics Officer Chris Turner
Speaker: Chris Turner - Research Ethics Officer - Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 6th 6:30-7:30 am PDT