Get a Peak at What's in Store for Symposium 2013!
Planning is well underway for Symposium 2013, taking place May 1-3, 2013 in Whistler, BC. This year's theme is "Building Healthy, Creative & Green Communities," which will include dynamic and informative educational sessions across four program streams:
- Health and Wellness
- Nature and Environment (with a strong focus on unstructured play)
- Creative Communities
- Social Innovation (including topics on intersectoral partnerships and community engagement)
Our three day conference will open with a keynote from Dr. Stuart Brown on "Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul," and close with a keynote from Ian Hill on the "Power and Potential of Recreation and Parks."
There will be many additions to the schedule including rapid-fire snapshots of best practices and program models; three concurrent themed panels on recreation trends, cultural mapping and the role of healthcare in parks; and concurrent dialogues for programmers, small communities and elected officials that will encourage conversation and networking. Two plenary sessions are planned - one to provide an update on the National Recreation Agenda led by Brian Johnston, and another to further explore the information from the opening keynote - allowing for audience interaction and feedback.
You can also count on a full stock of educational sessions, the tradeshow and its networking opportunities, Provincial Award presentations, the Annual General Meeting, Senior Staff Forum, and banquet. And don't be surprised if we have a few other new features up our sleeves for you this year!
Bookmark www.bcrpa.bc.ca/symposium-2013 for up-to-date information.