Witness Lyimo Thesis Defense available on YouTube
The Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management, in conjunction with our World Leisure Centre of Excellence, would like to congratulate Witness Lyimo, Graduate Student for successfully presenting her research thesis on June 28, 2021.
The recording of the thesis defense is available on Youtube.
IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 8:30 - 10 am PST
VIU Sustainability Book Club
Hosted by VIU’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, the VIU Sustainability Book Club is open to all VIU students and employees. The book club will dive deep into the novel Building a Resilient Tomorrow, by Alice Hill and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz and discuss what communities can do to be more resilient against climate change. The novel explores international examples of climate change resiliency and highlights how North American communities can integrate resilience through actionable recommendations.
Conversations on Sustainability - Episode 2
Conversations on Sustainability with Dr. Aggie Weighill: The purpose of these conversations is to introduce viewers to diverse individuals working in leisure and to learn more about what they do and how that links to sustainability. Guests will not always focus specifically on sustainability but they will be asked to reflect on how their efforts work towards making the world better for people, the planet, and sometimes profits!
Conversations on Sustainability with Dr. Aggie Weighill
Conversations on Sustainability with Dr. Aggie Weighill: The purpose of these conversations is to introduce viewers to diverse individuals working in leisure and to learn more about what they do and how that links to sustainability. Guests will not always focus specifically on sustainability but they will be asked to reflect on how their efforts work towards making the world better for people, the planet, and sometimes profits!
VIU's Engaged Citizens Speaker Series
Join in tomorrow, Oct 8 at 6:30 pm, for another VIU's Engaged Citizens Speaker Series.
Topic: Food Security in the age of COVID-19: Toward more resilient regional food systems
Presented by Dr. Evan Fraser, Director of the Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph, and featuring a discussion with local food system experts:
• Jennifer Woodland, CEO of Nuu-chah-nulth Seafood LP
• Jen Cody, Executive Director of Nanaimo Foodshare Society
Agritourism Gatherings: A virtual series for farm, food, and travel communities
The International Workshop on Agritourism presents Agritourism Gatherings: A virtual series for farm, food, and travel communities. The series brings together farmers, researchers, service providers, tourism experts, and many others to share their knowledge and experience from around the world.
The upcoming webinar is tomorrow, Oct 8 (10 am - Pacific Time) with the topic: Regenerative Tourism and Agriculture.
2020 Run for the Hippos
The Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary in the Upper West Region Africa is home to one of Ghana's last hippo populations. For over 20 years the WCHS has worked to ensure the health and safety of the hippos while also improving the livelihoods, health, and wellness of the people of living within this protected area.
Thesis Presentation: Robin Hethey
The Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management, in conjunction with our World Leisure Centre of Excellence is pleased to introduce Robin Hethey, Graduate Student in progress, who will be presenting her research and thesis.
IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism - Jan 2020
The third Annual IMPACT Sustainability Travel and Tourism Conference will once again bring together stakeholders from the tourism industry to Victoria, to engage in dialogue and discussions on innovation and the contributions of tourism to Canada's sustainable future.
When: January 19 - 22, 2020.
Where: Victoria Conference Centre - Victoria, BC
For more information and registration, please visit: https://www.tourismvictoria.com/impact