Armin Brysch is a professor at Kempten University, Germany and Chair of Education Committee German Travel Association (DRV). He studied International Marketing Management at Dublin City University before his academic studies at Trier University for a German “Diplom-Kaufmann” (equivalent to MBA degree). His research interests range from service excellence & quality management, e-marketing & digital transformation, to international destination management & sustainable development in tourism, with recent publications on Net Economy & e-Tourism, and Personal Management in Tourism. Major qualifications of Professor Armin Brysch include 5 years of experience in academic teaching at Bachelor & Master level, 20 years of international management experience at senior level, along with several competencies including marketing, service excellence, HRM, and destination management. Prior to his teaching at Kempten University since 2010, he was the CFO of German National Tourist Board (DZT) from 2004 to 2010.
Professor Armin Brysch will present a lecture on Innovation and New Technologies in Tourism. This lecture will examine innovation, new technologies and practices that influence digital economy and in particular tourism processes & tourism providers. Special attention will be given to understand the crucial impact on social-media-related innovation.