Introducing Dr. Stacie Chappell
MA SLM Students awarded the British Columbia Graduate Scholarship
Congratulations to MA Sustainable Leisure Management students Monir Shahzeidi and Lliam Broderick, recipients of the British Columbia Graduate Scholarship. Each student was awarded $15,000 to assist with their graduate research. The students will share their knowledge with the VIU community during Research Week, and we look forward to learning more about their research and path as emerging leisure scholars.
Thematic Analysis - Graduate Research Workshop
Hello MA SLM students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Title: Thematic Analysis
In this session, students will be able to answer the questions: What is a research theme? How do I develop themes from the data I have collected? And how do I establish methodological integrity with such a ‘subjective’ analytic approach?
Speaker: Dr. Garrett Stone
I Can't Get Motivated
Hello Students!
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!
Having trouble focusing? Need some resiliency? Can’t seem to write well? Getting bored with your research? Guess what? You are not the only one… so let’s talk about it and build some strategies to get you back on track.
Title: I Can't Get Motivated
Speaker: Joanne Schroeder - Chair, MA Sustainable Leisure Management with guest Sharon Kelly - VIU Professor and Success Coach
16th World Leisure Congress goes hybrid
The 16th World Leisure Congress to be held in Pinggu-Beijing from April 15-21, 2021 will have a virtual component to include participants who will not be able to travel to China due to the many travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Abstract Submission deadline extended until Friday, 30th October 2020.
Thinking about leisure during a global pandemic by de la Barre, Stone, McKeown & Schroeder (2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic arrested the world in a dramatic manner as of March 2020. As countries placed themselves under lockdown to avoid the worst case scenarios expected from the novel virus, we witnessed economies shut down, and residents of the smallest communities to the largest cities ‘shelter in place’ as they could. Very quickly, a smorgasbord of disparities and privileges were highlighted and discussions, at local and global levels, began in earnest.
Graduate Research Workshop - Let’s Talk Ethics
Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop offered by the Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office and consider joining in!
Title: Let’s Talk Ethics: Meet- up with Research Ethics Officer Chris Turner
Speaker: Chris Turner - Research Ethics Officer - Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 6th 6:30-7:30 am PDT
2020 Run for the Hippos
The Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary in the Upper West Region Africa is home to one of Ghana's last hippo populations. For over 20 years the WCHS has worked to ensure the health and safety of the hippos while also improving the livelihoods, health, and wellness of the people of living within this protected area.
How have you coped with COVID-19 stress?
COVID-19 and related public health measures have disrupted all aspects of life, including how we work, play, and spend time with family and friends. A team of researchers from Vancouver Island University's Dept.
Thesis Presentation: Samreet Kaur
The Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management, in conjunction with our World Leisure Centre of Excellence is pleased to introduce Samreet Kaur, Graduate Student in progress, who will be presenting her research and thesis.