News and Announcements

Community Engagement and Your Research - Graduate Research Workshop

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on November 2, 2020 - 3:51pm

Hello students!

Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!

Title: Community Engagement and Your Research

Speaker: Tanis Dagert - Community Liaison and Knowledge Mobilization Officer

Meet-up with Tanis Dagert, Community Liaison and Knowledge Mobilization Officer to learn about opportunities and best practices to engage with community and share your knowledge.

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 3rd12:00-12:45 pm PDT 

WorldVIU Days 2020

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on October 30, 2020 - 12:55pm

The WorldVIU Days is an annual event that takes place in the fall and explores the way culture influences our world view. This year's event will focus on creating a connected community through showcasing efforts that students, staff, and faculty are making to increase social connections between people from different cultural backgrounds.

Three Kinds of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics - Graduate Research Workshop

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on October 29, 2020 - 8:01am

Hello students!

Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!

Title: Three Kinds of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics -Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)

In this workshop, Farhad will review some of the most common (purposeful or non-purposeful) misusage of numerical data. This session will help graduate students to identify the most common misrepresentation of data and avoid making these mistakes in their research report.

Speaker: Dr. Farhad Moghimehfar

MA SLM Students awarded the British Columbia Graduate Scholarship

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on October 22, 2020 - 11:01am

Congratulations to MA Sustainable Leisure Management students Monir Shahzeidi and Lliam Broderick, recipients of the British Columbia Graduate Scholarship. Each student was awarded $15,000 to assist with their graduate research. The students will share their knowledge with the VIU community during Research Week, and we look forward to learning more about their research and path as emerging leisure scholars.

Thematic Analysis - Graduate Research Workshop

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on October 20, 2020 - 11:45am

Hello MA SLM students!

Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop and consider joining in!

Title: Thematic Analysis

In this session, students will be able to answer the questions: What is a research theme? How do I develop themes from the data I have collected? And how do I establish methodological integrity with such a ‘subjective’ analytic approach?

Speaker: Dr. Garrett Stone

Graduate Research Workshop - Let’s Talk Ethics

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on October 4, 2020 - 12:19pm

Check out the next Graduate Research Workshop offered by the Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office and consider joining in!

Title: Let’s Talk Ethics: Meet- up with Research Ethics Officer Chris Turner

Speaker: Chris Turner - Research Ethics Officer - Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity

Date/Time: Tuesday, October 6th  6:30-7:30 am PDT

Wellbeing through Leisure in Times of Pandemics

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on September 25, 2020 - 11:41am

Check out the 2nd New Leisure Studies: International Perspectives international webinar, exploring the topic "Wellbeing through leisure in times of pandemics".

The goal of this series is to bring together scholars from around the world to discuss practical solutions to the most pressing issues in leisure.

The second webinar will take place on October 3 at 12:00-1:30 am (AEST) / October 2 at 7 am (PDT)

2020 Virtual Conference - Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation

Submitted by Vanessa Moraes on September 25, 2020 - 10:16am

The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation is hosting the 2020 CRRF Virtual Conference this fall, October 1 and 2. The theme of the conference is Supporting Rural Recovery and Resilience, and rural researchers will share lessons and insights about the challenges and opportunities posed by the pandemic.

The conference is FREE and registration is open!

For more information and registration, please visit: