Harry Sackey


Ph.D. (University of Manitoba, Canada)
M.A. (Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands)
B.A. (University of Science and Technology, Ghana)
Teaching Area:  Economics, Global Studies
Areas of Special Interest:  Economic Development, Education Economics, and Labour Economics

Professional Experience

Academic Experience

University Professor
Faculty of Management, Vancouver Island University, Canada

Assistant Professor
University of New Brunswick, Canada
University of Manitoba, Canada
University of Winnipeg, Canada
Research Officer
Policy Analysis and Strategic Studies Division of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration


Sackey, H.A. and B. Osei (2006), “Human Resource Underutilization in an era of Poverty Reduction: An Analysis of Unemployment and Underemployment in Ghana”, African Development Review, vol.18, no. 2, pp. 195-211.

Sackey, H.A. (2005), “Poverty in Ghana from an Assets-based Perspective: An Application of Probit Technique”, African Development Review, vol.17, no. 1, pp. 41-69.

Sackey, H.A., (2005), “Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Ghana: The Effects of Education”, AERC Research Paper Series 150, Nairobi: African Economic Research Consortium, ISSN 9966-944-60-5.  African Economic Research Consortium

Sackey, H.A. (2004), ‘Modelling Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa and Policy Implications for Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Ghana’, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. XXV, no. 4.

Sackey, H.A. (2004), “Education, Demography and Development in Africa: Emerging Trend and Policy Implications”, Atlantic Canada Economics Association 2004 Papers and Proceedings, pp. 1-14.

Sackey, H.A. (2001), “External Aid Inflows and the Real Exchange Rate in Ghana”, AERC Research Paper, No. 110, Nairobi: African Economic Research Consortium, ISSN 9966-944-60-5, pp. 1-38.

Sackey, H.A., and G.Y. Dogbey (1996), "Women, Inequality and Productivity: Some Reflections and Policy Implications for Ghana", Greenhill Journal of Administration, Special Edition on Gender Issues at Work, Vol.10, ISSN 0379-8658, pp.113-155.