Year 1 Learning Community
Starting your Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) can be overwhelming. The BBA Learning Community makes it easier for you to connect you with other BBA students who are new to VIU too.
What is a learning community?
A learning community is a small group of students who take the same first-year courses together.
Why join the BBA Learning Community?
With the BBA Learning Community you take first year courses with the same group of students. This makes it easier to find people to study with, and it’s a good opportunity to make friends.
Easy course registration
When you sign up for the BBA Learning Community you are enrolled in all the necessary courses for your first year. You don't have to make decisions about your schedule. You only need to choose electives.
Study help
It’s easy to form study groups with the students you see every day in your courses.
These are the courses that will be included in your schedule with the BBA Learning Community.
Semester 1
- ACCT 100 (Financial Accounting I)
- ENGL 115 (University Writing and Research)
- MGMT 192 (Principles of Management)
- QUME 100 (Quantitative Foundations for Business)
- MARK 160 (Introduction to Marketing)
Semester 2
- ENGL 204 (Business and Technical Writing)
- FNCE 130 (Intro to Finance)
- MGMT 292 (Organizational Behaviour)
How to join the BBA Learning Community
If you have applied to the BBA and want to join a Year 1 BBA Learning Community, email
Learn more
Want to know more before you make a decision? Attend the BBA First-year Learning Community webinar on May 5 at 3 pm. At the webinar you'll learn how the learning community works, and you'll have a chance to ask questions