For the complete nomination process and CRC eligibility requirements, applicants should review the CRC Website .
Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs are exceptional, emerging researchers acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to demonstrate world-class leadership.
As identified by VIU's Strategic Research Plan, an interdisciplinary collection of centres, institutes, and faculty are already focused on the issues of sustainability, wellbeing, and resilience in the region; however, this Chair is to focus on the Role of Leisure within these contexts so as to address vital information needs, while also providing the necessary catalyst for increased and ongoing interdisciplinary collaborations between Faculties, faculty members, and community partners. The successful candidate will contribute to graduate (e.g., Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management) and undergraduate programs at VIU through research and community engagement activities and through collaboration with the World Leisure Centre of Excellence at VIU.
The Chair in Leisure, Sustainability, Wellbeing, and Resilient Communities will help to address VIU's academic and scholarly mandates in the following ways:
▪ Addressing issues and areas of particular importance to VIU's communities and catchment area such as the promotion of healthy aging and aging in place; poverty and its impact on wellbeing; development of sustainable, diversified economies; the attraction and retention of younger citizens; and the promotion of recreation and tourism.
▪ Promoting undergraduate and graduate student research on regional issues.
▪ Building on existing regional partnerships developed through VIU's extensive community engagement activities and the activities of VIU's BC Regional Innovation Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development.
▪ Building on the existing strengths in programs such as the Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management, and centres such as the World Leisure Centre of Excellence.
▪ Increasing interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary activities to better engage with the entire VIU community.
The Chair will have the academic qualifications to work with faculty from a range of disciplines within the university in order to advance a scholarly and teaching program that focuses on leisure as a vehicle for enhancing sustainability, wellbeing, and resilience within communities. In achieving these goals, the Chair will help build relationships, solidify connections, and generate research partnerships that will contribute to meeting VIU's Academic and Research Plans.
It is envisioned that this Chair will also contribute to VIU Master's degrees, particularly to the Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management, or to the development of new Master's degrees as appropriate within the Academic Plan, and other inter- or multi-disciplinary initiatives at the undergraduate level.
For more information, please check: CRC Website