The World Leisure Centre of Excellence at VIU (WLCE at VIU) invites you to our next Innovation Infusion Speakers Series presented by Dr. Jacquelyn Oncescu, on the topic of Leisure Education, Poverty and Recreation Participation: A Case Study of a Community-Based Leisure Education Delivery System. The presentation will take place on Wednesday April 20th, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. in Building 200-Room 203.
Individuals living in poverty face a number of challenges that interfere with their ability to create or engage in meaningful leisure and recreation experiences. This case study highlights the innovation of a community-based leisure education delivery system (provided by ROC Inc.) to help low-income families learn about leisure, develop the necessary skills, knowledge, capacities and resources, and gain access to a wide range of leisure and recreation experiences in enhancing their leisure repertoire.
Dr. Jacquelyn Oncescu, PhD, is a faculty member in the Department of Recreation and Tourism at Vancouver Island University. Her teaching and research focus is on sustainable community recreation practices, largely in rural and remote contexts. Her recent work includes rural community recreation delivery systems, community-based leisure education and leisure’s role in community resilience.
The presentation will be co-facilitated by Ms. Chelsey Hiebert and Ms. Moni Loewen from ROC Inc.: http://www.roceastman.ca/about-us.html.